Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Post 25 Things

I have really enjoyed the 27 things exercise.

I wasn't going to do it, initially. I thought I knew a lot about the Internet. Okay, I do know a lot about the Internet - I BETTER know a lot about it.

To quote an anonymous source, "You live there." Okay, maybe a couple of anonymous sources. Several, even. Okay MANY sources. Fine.

I learned a lot. I had fun.

I am writing an afterward now, because I may forget a few ideas I had that might, just might, be cool for the library to do.

I am thinking of a Library Book Staff Picks Blog. One where we as library staff could suggest books and write book reviews. One that would be divided by the kind of divisions that bookstores use. Both negative and positive reviews. I think the paper newsletter we had was fun, and people liked it, but it was difficult to get staff to contribute. As a staff person often assigned the video review section, I will say it was a pain. I actually don't remember what was so painful about it, (probably the lack of spellchecker) but it wasn't fun. And sharing books we love with the public should be fun.

I also very much like the idea of podcasts or videos hosted on youtube that would help people using our catalog and reservation systems. It would be handy to have both, since some people are visual learners, and some are audio learners.

I can see that Myspace, Facebook, and other social sites could be helpful to the library, if they were publicised to the groups they were intended to attract.

My personal favorites were the RSS feeds, which i use all the time now, and the Internet 2.0 Award site, which has led me to many fine things. I also have to admit, my most often sent link has been the generator site.

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